20 November 2005

Deconstructing a McDonald's Receipt

The anniversary of the OR is imminent and most folks here are focused on more philosophical issues than anything that might happen at McDonald's, but not me. Standing in line at the Lukianivska McD's counter with my son the other day, a homeless guy politely asked if he could have my receipt once I finished my transaction. I agreed to give it to him, but apparently he was in a hurry and didn't want to wait. When the cashier handed me the coveted receipt I couldn't help but read it to try to understand what the value in it was. In the process I was amazed to find a phone number and e-mail address for feedback among other items of interest:

A. How does one translate the real meaning of "I'm Lovin' It"? "Ya Tse Lublu" doesn't quite capture it, does it? I should be glad it's in Ukrainian.
B. "FishMac" for $1.60. How much is a fish sandwich in the U.S. nowadays? FYI - there is a lot of money being spent at McDonald's. I remember a few years back the big sellers were ice cream cones, tea, and other small stuff. Now Ukrainians are buying the full gamut of McDonald's cuisine. I guess no one here has seen the movie "Super Size It". You can't super size anything here. Yet.
C. McLavash - Georgian Lavash sandwich. I bet this item isn't available back in America... is it?
D. Although it says it's the "dressing room code", it's actually a code for the bathroom. Simply punch the number into the keypad by the door and the lock opens. I guess that explains why the homeless guy wanted the receipt.


Anonymous said...

Very funny story about McDonald's receipt...I just imagine homeless guy waiting for your receipt, while you were reading it. And then how you got the receipt back ;)

Anonymous said...

Very funny story about McDonald's receipt....I am just curious how it looked like: homeless guy is waiting for your receipt, you - reading your receipt, and crowded McDonald's on Lukyanivska... and then did you give the receipt to that homeless guy or ignored his "call of nature"? If the first happened, how you got it back?

Anonymous said...

Very funny story about McDonald's receipt....I am just curious how it looked like: homeless guy is waiting for your receipt, you - reading your receipt, and crowded McDonald's on Lukyanivska... and then did you give the receipt to that homeless guy or ignored his "call of nature"? If the first happened, how you got it back?

petro said...

I said I would give it to him, but he didn't wait for me to get to the front of the line. I guess he got one from someone else. Thanks for leaving a comment! petro